Tuesday, August 7, 2007


The main drug of choice on the street today is Methamphetamine. Within the past 5 years Meth use has increased in potency and continues to destroy the lives of the user, family and society. Meth is a central nervous stimulant that produces euphoria “high” that many compare cocaine. The main difference is that unlike cocaine Methamphetamine has a longer effect of the user.

Identifying a Meth User-

increased heart rate, blood pressure, and respiration
flushed or tense appearance
dilated pupils
bloodshot eyes
a chemical odor on their breath
excessive sweating
rapid speech
inability to sleep or eat
severe weightloss
rotting teeth
scars and open sores “speed bumps”
hallucinations (often times auditory)
repetitive behavior
memory loss
psychosis (resulting from lack of food, water and insomnia)
teeth grinding

Meth completly destroys your body, makes you think differently, act differently, and it seperates you from your family and friends. If you personally know someone who is using METH try to give them hel and support by taking them to drug programs or telling them about such programs and by not lending them money to get more and most of all do not EVER give up on them no matter how helpless it may seem, theres always a chance to recovery.

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